



strip( 'characters' )  


  • strip或"chars":strip()函数的可选参数。因此,如果程序员不传递任何参数,strip()函数会从字符串的开头和结尾删除空格。
  • 如果传递给strip()函数的字符集,它会从第一个字符串中删除字符或图像。
  • 返回值:通过从原始字符串中删除字符集或空格,它会返回其副本。



strinput = "  $$$$$  No. 1 Welcome to javatiku!! No. 1 $$$ "     
# use strip() function to remove the set of characters  
res = strinput.strip ( ' $No. 10 !' ) # store result into res variable  
print ( " Given string is: ", strinput)  
print ( " After removing the set of characters: ", res)   
str3 = ' 1 11 111 111 1111 Learn Python Programming Tutorial 1111 111 11 1 '  
str4 = str3. strip ( '1' )  
print (" \n  Given string is ", str3)  
print (" Stripping 1 from both ends of the string using strip ('1') function ", str4)  
# define new string  
str5 = '++++++Python Programming Tutorial****** $$$$$'  
print ("\n Given string is = ", str5)  
# use strip function to remove the symbols from both ends  
str6 = str5. strip ( ' $*+' )  
print (" Stripping the '+', '*' and '$' symbols on both sides of the string is = ", str6)  


Given string is:    $$$$$  No. 1 Welcome to javatiku!! No. 1 $$$ 
 After removing the set of characters:  Welcome to javatiku

 Given string is   1 11 111 111 1111 Learn Python Programming Tutorial 1111 111 11 1
 Stripping 1 from both ends of the string using strip ('1') function   1 11 111 111 1111 Learn Python 
Programming Tutorial 1111 111 11 1

 Given string is =  ++++++Python Programming Tutorial****** $$$$$
 Stripping the '+', '*' and '$' symbols on both sides of the string is =  Python Programming Tutorial



str1 = '   Welcome to the World!              '  
# print the original string  
print (' Given string is: ', str1)  
# use strip() function to remove whitespace  
str2 = str1.strip()  
print(" After removing whitespaces from an original string: ", str2)  
str3 = '             Learn    Python    programming          '  
# print the original string  
print (' Given string is: ', str3)  
# use strip() function to remove whitespace  
str4 = str3.strip()  
print(" After removing whitespaces from an original string: ", str4)  


Given string is:     Welcome to the World!
 After removing whitespaces from an original string:  Welcome to the World!
 Given string is:               Learn    Python    programming
 After removing whitespaces from an original string:  Learn    Python    programming



str1 = input( " Enter the string ") # take a string   
print (" Your string is ", str1)   
ch = input (" Enter any character or symbol that you don't want to see in the string ")  
res = str1.strip (ch)   
# print the string after using a strip() method  
print (" After performing the strip() function, \n Your string is ", res)  


Enter the string *** $$ Welcome to javatiku. Learn Python programming !!! &&
 Your string is  *** $$ Welcome to javatiku. Learn Python programming !!! &&
 Enter any character or symbol that you don't want to see in the string * $ Wel ! &
 After performing the strip() function, 
 Your string is  come to javatiku. Learn Python programming



  • 它帮助从第一个字符串的前面和后面删除字符,考虑到strip()函数之前的字符。
  • 如果用户不传递字符给它,strip函数默认只删除字符串两端的空格。
  • 如果在开头或结尾没有空格,它会返回原始字符串而不做任何更改。
  • 如果传递的字符与原始字符串不匹配,strip函数会返回原始字符串。



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