Python教程-Python if-else 语句
语句 | 描述 |
if 语句 | if 语句用于测试特定条件。如果条件为真,则会执行一段代码块(if-块)。 |
if - else 语句 | if-else 语句与 if 语句类似,只是还提供了条件的假情况的代码块。如果 if 语句中提供的条件为假,则会执行 else 语句。 |
嵌套的 if 语句 | 嵌套的 if 语句使我们可以在外部 if 语句内部使用 if - else 语句。 |
Python 中的缩进
为了编程方便和实现简单性,Python 不允许使用括号来表示块级别的代码。在Python中,缩进用于声明一个代码块。如果两个语句具有相同的缩进级别,那么它们是同一代码块的一部分。
if 语句
if 语句用于测试特定条件,如果条件为真,则执行一个称为 if-块 的代码块。if 语句的条件可以是任何有效的逻辑表达式,可以计算为真或假。
if 语句的语法如下:
if expression:
示例 1
# Simple Python program to understand the if statement
num = int(input("enter the number:"))
# Here, we are taking an integer num and taking input dynamically
if num%2 == 0:
# Here, we are checking the condition. If the condition is true, we will enter the block
print("The Given number is an even number")
enter the number: 10
The Given number is an even number
示例 2:编写一个程序,找出三个数中的最大数。
# Simple Python Program to print the largest of the three numbers.
a = int (input("Enter a: "));
b = int (input("Enter b: "));
c = int (input("Enter c: "));
if a>b and a>c:
# Here, we are checking the condition. If the condition is true, we will enter the block
print ("From the above three numbers given a is largest");
if b>a and b>c:
# Here, we are checking the condition. If the condition is true, we will enter the block
print ("From the above three numbers given b is largest");
if c>a and c>b:
# Here, we are checking the condition. If the condition is true, we will enter the block
print ("From the above three numbers given c is largest");
Enter a: 100
Enter b: 120
Enter c: 130
From the above three numbers given c is largest
if-else 语句
if-else 语句提供了一个与 if 语句结合的 else 块,该块在条件的假情况下执行。
如果条件为真,则执行 if-块。否则,执行 else-块。
if-else 语句的语法如下:
if condition:
#block of statements
#another block of statements (else-block)
示例 1:编写一个程序,判断一个人是否有资格投票。
# Simple Python Program to check whether a person is eligible to vote or not.
age = int (input("Enter your age: "))
# Here, we are taking an integer num and taking input dynamically
if age>=18:
# Here, we are checking the condition. If the condition is true, we will enter the block
print("You are eligible to vote !!");
print("Sorry! you have to wait !!");
Enter your age: 90
You are eligible to vote !!
示例 2:编写一个程序,判断一个数字是偶数还是奇数。
# Simple Python Program to check whether a number is even or not.
num = int(input("enter the number:"))
# Here, we are taking an integer num and taking input dynamically
if num%2 == 0:
# Here, we are checking the condition. If the condition is true, we will enter the block
print("The Given number is an even number")
print("The Given Number is an odd number")
enter the number: 10
The Given number is even number
elif 语句
elif 语句允许我们检查多个条件,并根据它们之间的真实条件执行特定的语句块。根据需要,我们的程序可以具有任意数量的 elif 语句。然而,使用 elif 是可选的。
elif 语句的工作方式类似于C中的 if-else-if 梯形语句。它必须跟在 if 语句后面。
elif 语句的语法如下:
if expression 1:
# block of statements
elif expression 2:
# block of statements
elif expression 3:
# block of statements
# block of statements
示例 1
# Simple Python program to understand elif statement
number = int(input("Enter the number?"))
# Here, we are taking an integer number and taking input dynamically
if number==10:
# Here, we are checking the condition. If the condition is true, we will enter the block
print("The given number is equals to 10")
elif number==50:
# Here, we are checking the condition. If the condition is true, we will enter the block
print("The given number is equal to 50");
elif number==100:
# Here, we are checking the condition. If the condition is true, we will enter the block
print("The given number is equal to 100");
print("The given number is not equal to 10, 50 or 100");
Enter the number?15
The given number is not equal to 10, 50 or 100
示例 2
# Simple Python program to understand elif statement
marks = int(input("Enter the marks? "))
# Here, we are taking an integer marks and taking input dynamically
if marks > 85 and marks <= 100:
# Here, we are checking the condition. If the condition is true, we will enter the block
print("Congrats ! you scored grade A ...")
elif marks > 60 and marks <= 85:
# Here, we are checking the condition. If the condition is true, we will enter the block
print("You scored grade B + ...")
elif marks > 40 and marks <= 60:
# Here, we are checking the condition. If the condition is true, we will enter the block
print("You scored grade B ...")
elif (marks > 30 and marks <= 40):
# Here, we are checking the condition. If the condition is true, we will enter the block
print("You scored grade C ...")
print("Sorry you are fail ?")
Enter the marks? 89
Congrats ! you scored grade A ...