HTML <main> 标签 用于表示 <body> 标签的主要内容。

<main> 标签位于 <body> 标签内部。它用于准确描述页面的主要内容。

<main> 标签的内容直接与文档的中心主题相关。

HTML <main> 是一个新的标签,引入自 HTML5。


作者不应在一个文档中包含多个 <main> 标签。

<main> 元素不应作为 <article><aside><header><footer><nav> 元素的子元素。

HTML <main> 标签及其子元素可以轻松地通过 CSS 进行样式设置。

HTML <main> 标签示例

  <p>The apple is a red color pomaceous fruit of the apple tree. It is a very famous saying about apple.</p>
  <br> "An apple in a day, keeps the Doctor away".
    <h3>Red Delicious</h3>
    <p>These bright red apples are the most common found in many supermarkets.</p>
    <h3>Granny Smith</h3>
    <p>These juicy, green apples make a great filling for apple pies.</p>



The apple is a red color pomaceous fruit of the apple tree. It is a very famous saying about apple. "An apple in a day, keeps the Doctor away".

Red Delicious

These bright red apples are the most common found in many supermarkets.

Granny Smith

These juicy, green apples make a great filling for apple pies.

<main> 标签还支持 HTML5 中的全局属性和事件属性。


元素chrome浏览器 ChromeIE浏览器 IEFirefox浏览器 FirefoxOpera浏览器 OperaSafari浏览器 Safari

标签: html, HTML教程, HTML技术, HTML学习, HTML学习教程, HTML下载, HTML语言, HTML开发, HTML入门教程, HTML进阶教程, HTML高级教程, HTML面试题, HTML笔试题, HTML编程思想